Hello my dear bloggers and blog readers! I know you are probably wondering where I have been, don't worry you aren't alone. I guess I just needed the right boost of my own personal inspiration to get me going again. So I want to say Thank You to "Power Chicks International" for this awesome blog post: {Why I (almost) Quit Power Chicks}.
After reading that blog post, it empowered me to rekindle the writing flame for my own blog. Not only did it spark the blogger fire inside to make this blog come alive again, but now, I have TWO blogs!! That's right, I am blogging my little writers heart out. My main blog is this one, "UrDreamPlanner's Blog: Blog of Beautiful Beyond Dreams, LLC" and my other blog is dedicated to my new book, "5 Steps to Maximizing Your Client's Vision: For Weddings & Events!"; this blog is coming soon!!
I loved the blog post by Power Chicks because it reminded me why I do what I do and this it is okay that I kind of went into hiding, but it's not okay to stay there.
So, Hello!!!
Welcome back, time to get this blog educating, laughing, sharing and more importantly keeping you coming back!
Stay tuned as more amazing & fun blog posts are coming your way!! Thanks for sticking around!
I Believe!
Talk To Me:
Did you read the Power Chicks blog, do you feel inspired?? So happy to be back , feel free to leave a comment below in the comment zone, saying hi or something similar! Thanks for reading and chat with you soon! :-)
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