Happy Monday!!
I feel so inspired to take this week by the horns and ride it on out until next Monday!!! Who else is with me?? If you are wondering why I feel so inspired, it is because I have this amazing song in my heart and every time I get discouraged or just as I'm ridding down the road, this song comes to mind and I start singing! This song allows me to look at life with refreshed eyes!
Israel Houghton - I Will Search
Israel Houghton - I Will Search
This song has inspired me to embrace the many changes in my life. I asked God: "Am I scared and not ready or am I scared because I am ready??" Well, I am not going to tell you what he shared with me, but I do have a conclusion and I feel at peace about it! I love this song, "I Will Search", because the words speak truth for me, the beat pumps me up and just makes me smile as I sing it!! I love it, I truly LOVE it!!!
Find a song that can inspire you to make a difference in your life and sing it until you find another song that inspires you in a different way!
Sing Out Loud!
Talk To Me:
Do you have a song that inspires you? What do you sing to get you motivated about your life journey? What style of music gets you inspired? Share you life song with our readers and let's inspire each other! Use our comment zone below to share your song!
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