Today, I officially declare every Monday...
"No Lazy Monday!"
The more I learn about God and his amazingness I want to share with others. Over these past 6 months I have learned that how you think will affect how you act. With that being said, you can be productive every day and/or lazy everyday if that is what you tell yourself to do.
It's time to take back control of Mondays! The week does not have to start out dragging. Join me in declaring every Monday, "No Lazy Monday!". Start every week on a productive mission to accomplish your weekly goals. Make a mental note that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to.
Take initiative over your life everyday. Don't allow the funny pictures, slogans and more to determine how you spend your Monday or any other day of the week. Discover your goals and dreams and set out to make them happen, every day of the week. Create a renewed mindset daily, that sets your passion for life on fire!!! Take the stand and declare every Monday for yourself to be a "No Lazy Monday!", but only do it if you really want the change.
Let's be productive & prosperous every day of the week!
I Declare every Monday, "No Lazy Monday!"
Talk To Me:
Are you ready to declare Monday, "No Lazy Monday!"? How do you spend your Monday? Is Monday a day of production or dragging? What allows you to stay productive on a Monday? Any additional inspiration or motivational advice; please share below in the comment zone, so our readers can read it!! :-D
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