Throughout my years of planning Weddings and working with other Planners, I've had the pleasure of going dress shopping with a few Brides. I find wedding dress shopping to be one of the most exciting and fun parts of planning the Wedding. Enjoy these 4 ways to have a fun wedding dress shopping experience!!
(She really loved the first dress she tried on! Beautiful Beyond Dreams, LLC 1st Bride, Mrs. Jennifer Robinson!)
{{ Wedding Dress Shopping: 4 Ways to Have Fun!!! }}
#1: Only take people with you that will give you positive critiques! (When shopping we like others opinions, at the same time we only like opinions that are given in a positive matter. When wedding dress shopping this way of thinking is increased by 100!! Take people that will lift you up and NOT tear you down. Those who on a daily basis that you have a conversation with that always talks negatively or brings others down is the exact person you need to leave at home. Tip #1 is crucial because it will reflect on your outlook and effect your mood. A critique is as simple as (#1: That shape does not flatter you.) which is different from (#2: That shape makes you look fat.). Critique #1 is a honest opinion that will help you and make you think, however, critique #2 is harmful towards your feelings and will probably make you cry. Take only positive people with you that will inspire you and make you laugh, smile and ultimately have fun!!! )
#3: Be prepared to NOT find the perfect dress at your 1st or 2nd wedding dress shopping appointment AND be prepared if YOU DO fall in love with the first dress you try on! (This is all about your thought process and knowing that wedding dress shopping is about knowing who you are and listening to your heart. Be open minded and enjoy the process. Listen to the advice of others that you brought with you and listen to your heart. Any woman that has went shopping, knows how it feels when you try on those jeans and they fit in all the right places...take "that feeling" with you! Don't force this feeling, but just enjoy, have fun and allow the experience to move you!)
#4: Grab a bite to eat and discuss! (Food makes any experience exciting! Enjoying great food and being able to sit down and discuss the wedding dress shopping is a nice way to ease whatever emotions you may be experiencing before going home. If you found "the one" and took pictures, enjoy looking at them again and discuss accessories and just enjoy the moment!! If you did not find "the one", take this time to gather your emotions, discuss the different styles you tried on and together as a group share. Talk about life, friendship and any other topic that makes you happy and laugh!! :-D)
(She got dress #1, she was head over heels in LOVE!! Mrs. Jennifer Robinson, Beautiful Beyond Dreams, LLC 1st Bride showing off the dress for her Bridal Party!)
Following these 4 tips will allow your Wedding Dress shopping experience to be enjoyable and fun! Take a great group of people and truly enjoy, laugh, eat some good food and make it a memorable experience!! :-D
Talk To Me:
Are you about to go Wedding Dress Shopping? Have these tips helped you? Did you enjoy your Wedding Dress shopping experience? Share your good or bad experience with us! What's your dream Wedding Dress? Share any other tips that you would like the readers to know!! Leave a comment below and lets chat!! :-D
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