
Monday, July 16, 2012

UrDreamPlanner's Monday Inspiration: Take A Nap!

How are you doing today? It's Monday and time for some much needed Monday Inspiration! Today, I want to inspire you to "Take A Nap!". Think back to your college days, if you were like me (you took naps), and you loved them! 

Nap- a short sleep used to rejuvenate your mind, body and working spirit. ~UrDreamPlanner
When you know you need to nap:
*You've been up before the sun
*You are so tired from working, your eyes are burning.  
(If this is so, maybe you need a good 8 hr sleep! lol)
*You can no longer think straight.
*Your kiddies are taking a nap.  
(Yes, moms I know this is the time you would usually work since the house is now quiet, but try to nap as well...)
*You are not being productive

Why naps are needed:
*They rejuvenate you!
*Allow you to think straight!
*Make you less cranky!
*Allows you to be productive!
*They make you smile! :-D

Now, naps for many business owners and people in general are a thing of "luxury" since most feel they have no time. If you are working two jobs or a mom, etc., finding time to nap may be slim to none of a chance. When you think about your schedule, if after reading this you think, there is no way I have time for a nap! Then, find something, that you can use as a getaway to help release all the stress, work energy, etc that consumes you throughout the week.

This post was inspired by my mid-day nap today. I don't take them often because I often have no time for a nap. However, today I made a sacrifice of " not getting work done" to take a nap and it was worth it. I woke up feeling eager to jump back into work (which now I am playing catch up) and produce a great product for my clients. Luckily, I was able to say, "Brittany go take a nap, you need it!" and just be able to do it even though I know I have a pile of work on my desk. 

For all those that can take a nap every so often, I highly recommend it! Take it when you have a chance. Since I know for the remainder of the week, a nap will not be listed on my to-do list, maybe I'll make Monday's "mid-day nap day!" lol, or not, but it does sound good!

Be Inspired to Nap!!

Talk To Me:
Do you have time for naps? If you did would you take a nap? If you don't have time for a nap, what do you do to rejuvenate yourself? Any great stories of how you were inspired to nap, share below in the comment zone with the other readers!!

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