
Monday, December 14, 2009

Finals Time

Hello bloggers,

Please excuse me for my absence...I have to study and get through finals over this next week. So I will not be in blogging mode, however I will return and continue blogging by next week!


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Reception Wedding Look! Inspiration Board!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Inspiration All Around

I love Inspiration Boards so much that I couldn't help but to share these amazing boards from Simply Dazzling Events!

Simply Dazzling Events expresses their creatvity through the site! Check out this site and see what you are able to do with a little creativity!

You can also learn more about Simply Dazzling Events by visiting thier website:


Inspiration Boards allows planners of all sorts to become creative and share their talents. Here's some of what I have been doing on

What's Your Style?

Inspired by the Shoe!

Cocktail Party!

It's A Mardi Party!

Royal Bash

Visit and get inspired!

Another Spot to visit is!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009



Posted using ShareThis

Hi Bloggers, take a minute to check out this interview that CertiFYD Production Group did with

You can find more of CertiFYD's talented work at


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Words of Inspiration!

Always follow your dreams!
When one door closes another window opens- Maid in Manhattan(movie)
With god leading your can not fail!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Some Updates!!!

SO my birthday weekend was so much fun!!! My love got me a G1, which I am completely in love with. My mom, godsis, godmom, and some other young ladies, we all went to a play called, The Modern Day Job(pronounced Jobe not job)a christian was very good!!! Also I went to the Cheescake Factory for a birthday dinner with my family, I had a lot of fun and so far its been great being 22 =)

So the semester is coming to a close and so far I feel like im doing pretty good! I have a great schedule for spring semester and I am so ready for Thanksgiving break!!


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bridal canvasing like Crazy!! is a place for planners of all sort to come and share their inspirations! I find this site to be great if you have client's or if you just want to see what you can do as a planner. You can see some of my inspirations given by friends, family, and myself under msbritt66, by clicking on the title of this blog. I hope you enjoy and are inspired to create a few masterpieces of your own!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Who Is Brittany??

Hello Bloggers!

I started blogging a few months ago but I never really introduced myself.

So my name is Brittany. I am 21 years young..soon to be 22 on Nov 12th! I am a year away from graduating Montclair State University with a Bachelors of Science Degree from the school of Business, concentration in Management. I am a full time student and also the President of the N.A.A.C.P at Montclair State University. I work part-time on campus and have my foot in some other things as well! I plan to attend Grad School for a Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship!

When I am not being a student, I am educating myself about the Wedding and Event Industry. I am currently an Assistant Consultant at Always A Positive Image, LLC founded by Deidre Gray. I have been with the company for a year and a half now. It has been an amazing and fulfilling experience working with the ladies of the company. I started out doing a year long internship and now work part-time, since i am still in school. Need assistance with your event, check out or email Deidre Gray at or give us a call at 866-609-8658 ext 701 for Deidre Gray. We are located in Jenkintown, PA; however we service Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. { You can find some of my inspirations on under msbritt66 enjoy!}

I also love spending my time with the love of my love David R. We have been together for 4 years and several months, lol. We met in highschool and never looked back! I not only love him but I am in love with this great guy! My parents approve too, which is always nice!! He is a major part of my life.

Okay so I hope you enojoyed reading a little more about me! Be back soon...


Sunday, October 11, 2009

An Update!

 Sorry I have not been up to date in my blogging. I am still getting use to the whole idea of blogging. I love to write and post I just am not use to the actual blogging world yet... So do work with me and I will post a lot more often!

For an update...
The semester is going quickly and Im just trying to stay a float! Being President of the N.A.A.C.P for Montclair State University is a handful, but we are already off to a great start and I can not wait to see how this year turns out!!

I will be back later on this week with another blog. And continue blogging on a weekly basis! 


Monday, July 20, 2009

Family BBQ's Gone Wrong!!

I love to cook-out, eat, and play lots of fun filled games with my family!! Bonding is important when it comes to family and friends. At some bbq's the host/hostess will provide everything and just send out the invites and watch the family pour in...however there are a few occasions where you need some family help in making the bbq a success. Asking someone to bring rolls or the drinks is not asking to much..right?? I dont think so!

So when does the bbq go wrong?? Well when you invite one person and they bring six with them, without bringing food or anything with them but have no problem eating a nice big portion of it!! This is a no-no!!!

Has this every happened at your family bbq, how did you handle it??